Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Thiefs in Leslieville/Voleurs dans Leslieville

Monday at five o'clock in the morning at the Gallery Ben Navaee in the heart of Leslieville, there were some thiefs who decided to steal some art work. Four paintings by upcoming artists have been stolen. They apparently broke the front windown of the gallery and took four nice pieces of art. The police of the division 55 in Toronto is conducting an investigation. I find it absolutely revolting to rob someone from their art not only for monetary value but also for the hard work and heart that an artist put into its creation.

My son was one of the artists involved and that is why I am perhaps a bit more concerned than usual. But, I promise you I will never be the same after this incident... I know the pain it caused my son. He took his paintings out of the gallery although the expo was supposed to be until the 28th, other artists chose to leave them there. Here is the painting that was robbed and if you happen to see it anywhere,please report to the Toronto Police,division 55!
If the robbers have some heart, please find a way to return the work of those artists,please do!
For more information about David Hébert the artist go see his website:
Une expo qui tourne mal. Lundi le 22 juin, après le vernissage de samedi le 20 juin àa la galerie Ben Navaee sur la rue Queen à Toronto, au coeur de Leslieville,des voleurs ont brisé la vitrine avant et ont dérobé quatre oeuvres d'artistes contemporains. Une de ces oeuvres appartenait à mon fils David qui avait mis son coeur à l'ouvrage et qui attendait beaucoup de cette expo,un beau tremplin en plein coeur du quartier montant de Leslieville.
je ne connais pas les autres artistes,mais j'ai pu admirer leurs oeuvres samedi. Mon fils a décidé de retirer ses oeuvres de l'expo tandis que d'autres les laisseront jusqu'à la fin.
Si vous voyez ce tableau de David Hébert, prière d'avertir la police de Toronto de la division 55.
Pour en savoir plus sur l'artiste, voici son site web: